Pizza Ranch Classroom Incentive: Pizza Party for Reading Goals

Pizza Ranch offers a Pizza Party Incentive to motivate and reward classes for achieving their reading goals. The program aims to establish a positive relationship with the school system and provides an opportunity for Pizza Ranch pizza to reach a wider audience of students. The local Pizza Ranch store collaborates with the school administration to determine the best approach.

What has worked in the past is the top grade in each building receives a pizza party. The number of parties may vary based on the market and the number of elementary schools in the area. In smaller communities with only one elementary school, it may make sense to reward the top-performing class in that school or consider quarterly rewards.

Ensure everyone's satisfaction, follow these instructions:

  1. Offer 2 slices of pizza per child attending the party.
  2. For a class of 10, you will need 20 slices or two large pizzas.
  3. Specify whether the pizzas should be cheese or pepperoni only.
  4. Include teachers in the total count.
  5. Highlight the unique selling point: We are the only ones offering a pizza party as a reward for hitting the reading goal.
  6. Emphasize the value and impact of multiple parties.

To coordinate the parties, the school provides Pizza Ranch with class numbers and quantities, enabling the local Pizza Ranch store to determine the number of pizzas required. The delivery schedule is arranged based on the availability of the Pizza Ranch store and the school's schedule. It's important to note that the pizza parties typically take place in the afternoon to comply with school regulations and contractual agreements, as they cannot replace lunchtime.

The involvement of social media platforms like Facebook in promoting the pizza parties may vary depending on individual schools' policies and parental consent. Some schools have strict guidelines limiting the use of social media for student promotion to respect the privacy preferences of parents who don't want their child featured online. Pizza Ranch store managers should be mindful of each school's guidelines and privacy concerns.

By offering pizza parties as a classroom incentive for achieving reading goals, Pizza Ranch celebrates students' accomplishments and fosters a positive learning environment.